Thursday, June 23, 2005

I've got nothing to wear!

I've reached a stage that I knew would come. Knowing it's just a stage doesn't make it any easier.
Almost NONE of my clothes fit me.
I can't wear any of my good trousers; they're so baggy the crotch is halfway down my thighs. All my lovely skirts just hang on me. Many of them are too long, because the waist sits on my hips; I keep tripping over the hems. And most of my tops just look sloppy now. And I can't wear my 'new' size 20 jeans to work every day - besides, even they're starting to get loose.
Even my workout pants are a bit unwilling to stay where they should be when I'm leaping around the room doing aerobics!
Wearing clothes that are too big is very unflattering. It's a great way to measure my progress, but wearing them doesn't make me feel good any more.
Now, I really love my clothes, and have always spent lots of money on them - way more than my man realises. But, I'm not going to fork out hundreds of dollars on 'interim' clothes. They won't fit me for long enough to get any wear out of them.
So, I've come to a huge decision - I'm going to buy some secondhand clothes! I went on TradeMe yesterday, and there's a good selection in size 20, lots of it in the labels I love, all at a fraction of the new price. I'm just going to get a few pieces to start with, and see what the quality is like. And I'm going to sell some of my too-big clothes to help finance the venture.
But I draw the line at buying second-hand trousers!


Suzy said...

It is a great idea to buy second-hand for the interim then you can have so much fun and a big splurge when you reach your goal weight. I agree that baggy clothes feel terrible.

Margaret said...

Well done Sue. I'm with you. Skirts, tops, and jeans are fine but not so much on the trousers.

You are doing so well.

re the comment on my blog. Nope. I walk to Central to catch a bus to pick up the boys from childcare, but when I catch a train home, I head north and walk up the hills near home. I just travel in any which way really !

Have a wonderful day :)

Mary said...

I am finding this really difficult at the moment too. I bought new jeans a couple of weeks ago (stupid really) and now they are falling off me and look really silly. What a waste of money and because I freelance, money is very skint at the moment. I used to be a seconds girl but I couldn't do it now. KT suggested buying some cheap elastic waisted pants so I am going to go on a hunt for some decent looking ones this weekend. Good luck finding some decent interim clothes as well!

Kt said...

Yup elastic waists are the way to go! Shanton normally have plain black pants, with a flat bandless elastic waist with a bootleg for $19.95!!! They also have quite a selection of other cheap trousers.
Its not the classiest shop round but at least you can try things on!

Jaykay said...

Have you tried Ebay? (Mrs Ebay queen here!!). I love it. Have bought so much stuff, especially for my daughter.

I also sell off lots of mine and my daughter's clothes on there too.

It's so much fun watching people bid on your clothes! Becomes very addictive!

And congratulations on another loss.