Thursday, March 16, 2006


I'm having an attack of the lazy-arse bastards this week and have already missed two of my planned exercise sessions - and will miss another one tonight as we're going to Les Arts Sauts.

Oh well, I guess I can't be the Exercise Queen all the time.

I did take 5 minutes off my 7km time on Monday though - which basically means I ran for more of it than I did last time.

I was intending to only go 2km, because on Sunday the dog had a sore leg and was limping quite badly. I thought I'd just take him round the block to see how he was (and whether or not he needed to go to the vet). But when I let him in on Monday he raced around like a complete lunatic and leaped over Jake who was sitting on the floor - "Mum, I think the dog's leg is better". So, off on 7km we went. By the time we got back he was limping a bit, but he'll get over it!


Ang said...

hehe.... oh your poor dog!

Argh I'm with you on this... I HATE missing a day of exercise.
Oh well you can still keep your crown - Miss exercise queen 2006

stevierose said...

what an inspiration you are sue, fantastic loss, awesome really!

Anne said...

You are not a sloth!! Just having a quieter week. It's amazing how far we've come when we hate missing exercise.

Have a great weekend!