Tuesday, August 15, 2006

How well do you know your man?

I figure that after close to 15 years, I know mine pretty well, as the following little tale demonstrates.

When Mark got home from work last night, I was pottering about in the kitchen, as you do. His normal routine would be: put on the kettle, go upstairs and get changed, come down and make a coffee, go down to the garage to drink said coffee, smoke cigarettes and watch the news.

Instead, he hung about in the kitchen 'chatting'.

"Hmmmm," thought I, " something's up, here."

Now the atmosphere tended to hint that whatever was up wasn't about to break my heart or cause a panic, so I waited it out instead of pumping him for information.

"I accidentally bought another motorbike last night" was the eventual admission.

Of course, one accidentally buys vehicles every day.

Turns out he put a bid on a bike on TradeMe, not realising it had already reached the reserve, so he ended up winning the auction.

We're only talking $900 here, so it was easy for me to be calm and understanding. And his bikes are his hobby, so another race bike won't hurt.

But I'm sure he knows me well enough, too, to realise he's just given me license to 'accidentally' buy $900 worth of clothes...


Jaykay said...

Now that's a great relationship Sue!!

Enjoy your shopping spree!

Kathryn said...

Lol... handy accident :)

Mary said...

Classic! So funny and yep, have fun shopping now you hear :-)

Cinders said...

Sounds fair - have fun shopping.

Lynne said...

ha ha! Love that story!
I hope you enjoy your shopping!

philippa_moore said...

Love it!! Hope you enjoy spoiling yourself!

Karen said...

Yeap a $900 shopping "accident" is definitely called for now! So go for it and enjoy yourself!!!!!!!!!!

Kate said...

LOL! Good on you! :-)

Briony said...

My husband accidentally buys beer all the time, but I don't get a shopping spree - maybe i'll ask for one - hang on - demand one!! hahaha

Ang said...


Oh I do love that!!

Have fun with your accidental shopping Sue. :)

Ails said...

Too funny!

$900 worth of clothes - sounds completely fair to me ;)

Melli said...

LMAO!!! Oh how I WISH my honey would "accidentally" by another bike! The kind MY honey plays with would net me several new wardrobes!!! We needed a new mortgage for his latest! LOL!

Anne said...

Love it!! I would be off in a shot!! Enjoy the shopping.

And don't you always know with men when something's up!

Suzy said...

I totally agree with the others. Go for it!

Rachel said...

Hahaha there not bad a?

Enjoy your shopping!

Felicity said...

Mine wants to know what sort of bike they are pressious are they not. I usually get new jewellery when himself buys a new bike...I have still got the jewellery he hasn't got most of the bikes.