Friday, May 06, 2005

Happier now

I've cheered up since I posted this morning. I'm doing really well with my weight loss and I know that.
The interesting thing is that not once in the last 7 weeks have I thought 'This is too hard'. What I'm doing feels exactly right for me at the moment.
I've always been a bit cynical about things like visualisation, but it is really helping. I just know how great I'm going to feel when I've lost lots of weight. Even though it will probably take me at least a year, that doesn't feel like a big problem.
So - my positive outlook is back!


Margaret said...

The weight loss you have achieved so far is great. The ww at home program is so good for those that don't want to, or cant get to meetings. And blogging. I can't praise it too highly. Its great to be able to go back and see how you were feeling and what you were doing when things are going great. And keep doing it :). Have a great week. Cheers

Anonymous said...

Hi just found your site. You are doing great! Best of luck.