Monday, November 28, 2005

Triathlon update - end of week 1

So, I had a pretty good week of training. In fact, I only missed one thing all week, and that was the extra walk I had in for Thursday. I went skincare/cosmetics shopping at Kirkaldies instead!

Saturday my bike ride consisted of riding 20 minutes to the gym, working out, then riding home. I know EXACTLY where my quads are after that!

A couple of milestones for me this week - ran a kilometre non-stop for the first time, and made it through the series of small hills at the end of our valley without getting off my bike.

Moments like that make the whole thing seem more possible.


Nancy Bou said...

Yay for being able to run for a kilometre! And for keeping on track with your training! You must be feeling so proud of yourself


philippa_moore said...

Fantastic work Sue! You'll be in a league of your own at the triathlon!

I can't wait until I can run a kilometre without stopping! Something for me to aim for in the next few weeks!

Have a great week :)

Suzy said...

Well done on your great training Sue. Congrats on your kilometre of running. I still can't manage many hills on my bike. Same with walking, hills just kill me.

Briony said...

You are amazing Sue, well done. I would literally die if I ran a whole kilometre!

Anonymous said...

Great on achieving those milestones - Super Sue!!

michelle said...

I cannot imagine running 1km without stopping,,and the bike are sooo getting ready for the triathlon. I am going to try to run 1 km so if they find me passed out it will be your fault. What a legend. And I hope you have some influence on that weather in NZ for me when I get there in 2 weeks?

Julie's Journey said...

Lucky duck - I really miss running but as for bike riding - cant do it. You are really incredible. Cant wait to see how you do in triathalon. Just having the courage to compete makes you legendlike.

Kate said...

Well done! All your hard work is going to pay off - you are making us all so proud, as cheesy as that sounds :-)

Margaret said...

What a legend. I like the way you have given yourself a target to train for. A bit of excitement to keep you going.

I appreciate your comments and your frankness. I do need to get past this 'bored' stage and do things to spark it up again. I have found one possibility of a triathlon where the swim is in a pool - I am too scared to swim in deep open water.

Good luck with week 2 training and congratulations on running for a km non-stop. That is fantastic :D

Kellee said... I hadn't seen your new picture. You don't even look like the same person! You look amazing. What an inspiration you are.

And so fit! You put me to shame. You're such a legend, and I'm SO impressed.

Kt said...

welldone on your first 1km nonstop run :)

Mary said...

What a great end to Week 1. Training for something like the Triathlon is obviously such a great motivator. Mmm, must look what's happening around Sydney but as long as I don't have to wear white this time LOL.