Friday, September 08, 2006

Discipline, not so much

Haven't done so well on my promises to myself this week.

Excercise was okay - I did my 3 HIITS and 3 resistance workouts. Aqua was cancelled so I aqua-jogged for 45 minutes instead. Didn't do either of my walks but did an extra hour of cardio at the gym.

Pretty good.

Food, well, hmmmm. Lots of 'just one' and other extra sneak eating - morning tea muffins, off plan meals, that sort of thing.

Pretty average.

Managed to lose 200 grams.


So, my promises for this week. I'm in Auckland for three days again, and on Wednesday we have a rare gathering of all our contract teams. That will be three hours of work and many hours of food and alcohol.

3 x HIIT at 8 minutes
1 x resistance
4 x 45 minute walks

I'm giving myself a total free pass from after lunch on Wednesday until breakfast on Thursday.
To make up for that, I'm going to be super-strict for the rest of the week - no alcohol, no sweets, no treats. Just straight out NoCount plan.


Rachel said...

Bebuggered not deserved! Your exercise is excellent even though you want to do extra hour at the gym? you made me swear just thinking about it.......LOL.

Good luck this week.

Anne said...

I like how you look ahead to the coming week and plan how to deal with it. Good luck:)

Anonymous said...

I think the main thing is that you still did something and next week is going to be even better! Have a good one :-)

The Candid Bandit said...

I cant get my head around that you did 45mins of aqua jogging. Phhhhhew!

My hat's off to you.