Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Thought about your reasons lately?

Instead of giving yourself reasons why you can’t, give yourself reasons why you can.

I know I can reach the level of health and fitness I want because:
I have come so far already.
I understand so much more about nutrition than I did two and a half years ago.
I have learned to modify my behaviour and curb unhealthy eating impulses.
I love to exercise.
I love feeling fit and strong.
I know that being fit and healthy makes me feel good!


Suzy said...

So true Sue!

Anonymous said...

Yep yep yep...

I LOVE the feeling after doing the exercise!!!

That is mine.


Anne said...

Great post! I never in a million years would have thought I would say that I love to exercise!

Chris H said...

In my mood all I feel like saying is "go suck an egg" .... SO HAPPY you are doing well .... really I am!

Helena said...

rock on babe :D

Jenny said...

So true Sue. Never thought I would enjoy getting healthy!! LOL. Amazing what being positive can do :)