Wednesday, October 22, 2008

The rotating kilo

Kathryn made a comment on my last post about how frustrating it is to lose and gain the same kilo over and over. I’ve been carrying this disturbing image of a rotating kilo ever since.

So, where does the bloody thing go?

I know when I gain that kilo, it likes to wrap itself comfortably around my hips to create that unsightly muffin top.

But what about when I lose it?

It can’t be holidaying in the fridge, for I’m sure I’d notice it. And it’s not relaxing in my undie drawer, there’s just no room. I guess it’s probably skulking under my bed, waiting to slide back onto my body under the cover of night.

Or maybe the kilo is clever enough to distribute itself around as random grams of fat. Maybe my healthy home made muesli now contains fat bombs that slip away from my stomach to find their favourite hip resting place. Maybe there are fat drops in the shower head that stick to my arse while I’m showering.

I’m going to have to come up with a subterfuge. Perhaps I should lose the kilo while working in Auckland and then try to sneak home so it doesn’t hitch a ride on my butt. Or ride very fast and hope it scatters behind me, hopelessly lost and gone forever.

Or introduce it to Kathryn’s kilo so they can fall in love and run away together…


Chris H said...

Don't you bloody DARE lose it in Auckland, I'm bound to find the friggin thing!

Anne said...

Another aspect, wouldn't it be great if we could choose exactly on the where the kilo goes from and if it's coming back where to put it. My choice? Of my middle and back onto my bum.

Kathryn said...

Maybe it's the same kilo - you get it one week, I get it the next... and meanwhile the bloody thing is racking up the frequent flier points!

Marla said...

I've noticed that when my weight bounces around a lot, it's because I'm in the process or gaining or losing. I don't gain/lose X number of kilos all at once and there it stays; it seems to ping-pong around a bit before it makes a permanent home. Considering how well you've been doing lately, it sounds to me like you're in the process of losing a couple kilos!

(p.s. do not give them my address)

Apple2Hourglass said...

I'm far enough away from both of you that your stray kilos shouldn't be able to find me. I have a couple of my own that I would like to get rid of. We need a strategy. Maybe we should put them in envelopes and send them over to a more deserving place - like to the participants of America's Next Top Model!!

bwoo har har

Mary said...

Haha, I like the idea of them running off together...far,far away, thank you very much! :-)

Julie's Journey said...

I think it has somehow come to visit me along with a few friends. Dont you worry girl I will send it straight back as soon as I can convince it to let go.