Saturday, May 21, 2005

I've never done this before!

I actually went over my points total yesterday, for the first time ever - by 5 points! And to make it worse, I didn't exercise at all.
It was Friday, which I know is a bad day for me. It was cold and wet. I got my period. And my beloved Hurricanes got THRASHED by the Crusaders in the semi-final.
Okay, so I had a bad day. Tana Umaga probably had a worse day than me. How am I going to make up for it?
Friday is the first day of the week for me, so I've got the whole week to get back on track. So, I'll have a 23 point week instead of 24 points.
And I need to make sure I use my 'coping with a bad day' strategy. Which is - if you're in a bad mood, don't eat something, clean something.
All sounds very simple, doesn't it?
At least it's Saturday. I'll walk down to school and back to watch Jake's rugby team - that's 25 minutes each way. So long as the rain stops...


Leighanne said...

I like your bad day strategy - my house will be spotless!!

Anonymous said...

could have been could have had bad period pains

Margaret said...

Ah Sue. The sporting result bad day. I know it well. Luckily I follow enough teams that one of them is bound to win so I just focus on that result for the week. Can't really stand that cleaning caper... ;)

Hope you had fun at rugby..