Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Stop being a glum bum!

Well, I've been moping around for a couple of days. Time to stop that. Okay, so I had a couple of bad food days. Okay, so I feel like I'm not going to lose weight this week.
Have I learned nothing in the last 11 weeks? I can deal with this. I haven't even weighed in this week, so I don't actually know if I've gained. And if I have, I'll just use it help me sharpen my focus.
So, I'm going to pull myself up by my bootstraps - at least they're easier to reach now that I've lost over 16kg.
As a lover of lists, I should use one to remind me of how great I am! Here's my list:
I made the decision to change my lifestyle
My lovely man and son are right behind me on this
One of my fabulous sisters has joined me (and doing great, too)
I've lost 16kg
I've lost 10% of my start weight
I've lost 25% of my planned weight loss
My jeans are two sizes smaller
So are my bras and undies
I feel great
I'm much fitter than I was 3 months ago (and so is my dog)
I drink WAY less alcohol than I used to
I already look better than I did before

Just writing that list has made me smile again.


Suzy said...

That is quite a list of achievements. You deserve to be proud of yourself and things will continue to get better and better!

Margaret said...

LOL at your dog getting fitter too.. It is an excellent list of achievements and one that you should never forget. You have been doing so well, and it is 'normal' to have a bit of a glitch every now. You have a great attitude and the ability to get right back on track too.
Have a great day today :)

Kirsti said...

Great list! See how great lists are? There's a reason why they're my select genre!