Thursday, August 04, 2005

It's coming...

I don't actually weigh in until tomorrow, but I want to get this down while it's fresh in my head. I've just come back from my morning walk, and that's when a lot of these thoughts percolate to top of mind.
Tomorrow, I'm going to have my first weight gain. If I don't, I damn well deserve to!
I've had a particularly slack week. I've gone over my points on three days - well over on one of them.
My exercise has been well down on average for me - two days with no exercise at all.
Even my water intake has been poor.
So, what's happened?
I think it's a combination of things.
I've let work stress get to me. I've let home stress get to me. I've had lots of people notice my weight loss, so I'm resting on my laurels too much. After the euphoria of last week, I've come down to earth and my mood has gone to the other extreme. And I suspect the old 'self-sabotage' may be creeping in. I'm discouraged because I feel like I'm stalled at this weight - which of course isn't true, but who said these things are logical?
So, what to do about it?
Kick myself in the arse and get on with it, of course!
I'm not celebrating my successes enough. I don't mean having a party every time I lose a kilo, or buying a new car (!) for every 5kg lost.
No, I mean saying to myself 'Wow! Well done! I'm proud of you'. I need to get back into the affirmation habit, and I need to start visualising again - I seem to have lost that picture in my head of just how great it's going to be when I'm under 80kg. And I don't need other people's praise for motivation, I just need my own.
And look what I've got to look forward to in the way of successes. In a couple of weeks I will be halfway to goal. 2kg after that I will have lost 30kg. And 2.5kg after that I will be under 100kg. I'm gonna be a double-digit-Doris!
So, when I get on the scales in the morning and I've gained, well, that will be the first time in 20 weeks. That's not too bad. And I won't have gained back 25kg!


Felicity said...

Come on nearly Double Digit Doris, couldn't think of a d word, u r doing great. I do know how u feel though I try to picture myself slimmer and somedays it is a breeze others I can only see fatter than ever, II have my eye on an outfit on trademe that I think would look great for our weeding ann in Nov it is smaller than i am now hopefully when it closer tonight I'll be in the frame of mind that convinces me I'll be there by then and buy it.I also don't reward myself enough...yesterday I bought myself a pretty potted polyanthus, why becasue I darn well deserve it. So do u, splash out and treat yourself to something tiny it maybe but u deserve it. I also have a dish on my table with pretty coloured marbles 1 for ever 500gms GONE and it is getting pretty colourful I can tell u, I can see at a glance how well I am doing, or a vase of silk flowers imagine how pretty 51 silk flowers in a vase would look cause girl that is how many 500gm block u have lost.

Kate said...

If you gain for the first time in 20 weeks then you have been doing BRILLIANTLY!!! Even if you gain, it will only be temporary and then you'll be off again, roaring closer to those goals. You are doing great!!

Learning Leaders said...

Good Morning Sue

Hope things went ok this morning.

What we need to remember - and these journals are a great idea for that - is how far we have come, how much support we have, how much we have learned, and maybe learnt to love ourselves a little more. You have achieved soooo much - and as you say you haven't gone back to where you started.

You are a star and you have done brilliantly - only a little way to go to your 18/08 goal which I reckon you will have no probs getting to.

Thanks also for your support.


Me said...

Wish I had 20 weeks without a gain !!! Well done. And good for you for realising what the hiccups along the way have been and for now dealing with them ! And yes, your gain will definitely not be 25kg - and you can at least take heart from that !
Take care and good luck for tomorrow !

Anonymous said...

20 weeks without a gain is soooo impressive! If you gain it will nothing compared to what you have done!! LOL at the Double Digit Doris! Have a great week.

Emily Campbell - Independent Stampin' Up!® Demonstrator said...

I love your attitude today, its great! You deserve mini-rewards along the way, and you soooo deserve those affirmations. Keep up the great work, and good luck for weigh-in.

michelle said...

A sligt slackening after 20 weeks will not hurt you. It will probably re-motivate you. You have said everything in yuour post that I could say back to you. be good to yourself and celebrate your achievment. As far as the exercise picture this..thnaks to you I bought the kickboxing DVD and struggled only halfway through it thi smorning. All the time I kept thinking that you do it all the time. So you are my exercise queen at the moment and I will be thinking of you every time I do the kickboxing workout..

Mary said...

Sometimes I think I need to take a voice recorder or something on my walks for all those thoughts too LOL!

You know what hon, you are such an inspiration and you should be so proud of yourself. You have a really great "go get 'em" attitude which I really admire and you really are a huge success! It seems like you've got the right kind of thinking about a *possible* gain tomorrow also and there's no way it can undo 25kgs of hard work!

I really appreciate the fact that you've acknowledged what you did differently this week too. Your honesty to yourself is awesome which I think is so important on this journey.

Keep up the great work and I hope your stresses work themselves out in the next week. Life sure does throw some curlys at us from time to time!

Leighanne said...

You will be fine - take the gain, because you know you will do better next week, this is just a minor setback:)

Margaret said...

I'm not going to write anything nice. You know I think great things of you. I'm going to help kick you up the arse. LOL.

I hope you don't gain. But it's great that you have given yourself a good scare and now you know what you have to do. You said it when I wrote a similar thing about my very uneventful July. At least you know you aren't going to let it go for a whole month.

You are great. And I love it when you get all fired up. I just feel sorry for Moose who I feel is going to be up for even more exercise ;) Have a great day tomorrow Sue, whatever the outcome.

Mx said...

You're so brilliant and you've been doing so well! Thank you for your encouragement and all I can say to you is "you're my hero". You'll get to double digit in no time and we'll throw a virtual party for you!

CaramelKitKat said...

I used to think affirmations were a big wank, in the same vein as Hallmark Holidays, but since reading M's blog I am quickly coming around. When one sticks in my head, it does give me a boost and really helps during the what's-in-the-fridge moments.

So, w affirmations in hand, put on your pointiest pair of arse-kicking boots and I look forward to the results!