Monday, August 08, 2005

Losing my virginity

Don't worry - this isn't an X-rated post!
I am no longer a gym virgin. Well, actually, I am, but I've made it to third base. And Saturday I'm going all the way!
Okay, I know you think I've completely lost it now.
Yesterday I JOINED A GYM.
On Saturday I'm going in to get my new programme and go through it with the trainer. Then I'm aiming for four mornings a week.
I realised my commitment to the triathlon wasn't complete. All that blathering on about starting swimming when I'm under 100kg, and getting a bike some time later.
What's wrong with today?
So, now I've got the gym to help me train. I can improve my bike fitness before I actually hit the road (not literally). It's at our local aquatic centre, so I can do my swimming there too.
Yep, that's me - I'm gonna be Sue the gym slut.


Margaret said...

LMAO. You should be a writer. This is a great post. I can imagine you strutting into the gym with "Gym Slut" on your t-shirt. Hilarious.

I think your attitude rocks and what a great decision to go join the gym TODAY. Not tomorrow, not when, not if, TODAY. It's an attitude like that that is going to make you continue to kick butt.

You do know that your site will probably come up on some rather interesting google searches now. LOL.

Have a great day :)

CaramelKitKat said...

Always love your upbeat attitude - are you the manager at work and if not, why?? You certainly motivate me.

Kt said...

hehe, i love this post! so cute! well done on joining the gym!!

Mx said...

Hey Sue! We're gym buddies now - hehe. Fantastic news and well done for sticking with the triathlon training, it's a huge commitment and you're on your way!

Mary said...

Bwahaha, love it! Gym slut, yeah. Well done sista!

Unknown said...

Ha ha, Sue the gym slut. So funny.

Good work joining the gym!!

Rachel said...

Hah hah!! You're very funny, Sue, and made me smile my first big smile for the day : ) Gyms can be intimidating places, and you've done something really brave and joined up - well done, you!!

Me said...

Well done on starting TODAY (actually yesterday now but you know what I mean !) - it's great that you didn't put it off until a later date - now the later date will happen sooner.
Take care and good luck being a 'gym slut' !

Jaykay said...

Fantastic effort Sue.

There'll be no stopping you now.

Kate said...

Good on you for joining the gym!! You'll be kicking ass in that triathlon! :-)

Anonymous said...

Go Sue the gym slut! Love the way you write! Four mornings a week - what great commitment!

Anonymous said...

Must be Gym joining time, I too joined up last week, first session Friday night, OMG and yes I do have a Life!!!!



michelle said...

You will enjoy it so much Sue good on you. I may look into it myself, if I could just find some energy.