Tuesday, August 01, 2006


Yesterday marked the end of my Winter Exercise Challenge.

My tasks were:

Walk the half-marathon course
Ride 50 km
Have two weeks where I go to the gym six times (like I used to)
In one week, swim for half an hour, three times
Try a new form of exercise I've never done before - maybe a group class?
Learn to use six machines at the gym I've not used before.

The only one I didn't do was the 50km ride. That was an overly ambitious goal, as I haven't been bike training at all, I've never ridden over 20km before and the weather wasn't likely to co-operate. So, I'll add that one to a challenge over summer, I think.

I completed everything else, and now have my new form of exercise (aqua) as part of my regular routine.

I really enjoyed this challenge format and have decided to make it a monthly thing - and have extended it a bit as well...

August Exercise Challenge
Go to the gym five times a week every week in August.
Try a Pilates class (I have a voucher for a free one, so money is no excuse).
Buy a skipping rope and be able to skip for 10 minutes without stopping (or tangling my feet and breaking my nose on the garage floor). Many thanks to Marg for throwing down that particular gauntlet.
Make sure I go for at least two one-hour walks during the four days I'm in Rotorua for nationals.

August Domestic Challenge (a bid to bring more order to my home, as well as my body)
Get the family photo I had taken for my mother-in-law framed and sent away.
Tidy up the office at home (unpack everything and get shelves to put it on).
Clean out my WHOLE wardrobe (including the shelves at the top), sort all the clothes and actually get around to taking them to Women's Refuge.

August Weight Challenge
I've joined Paulene's Spring Challenge, which will get me through the next three months. For the first part of it, I want to be at the top of my healthy weight range - so 76kg - by the end of August.


Mary said...

Good stuff Sue and sounds like an awesome plan. Damn inspiring!

Anne said...

I'm impressed with your challenges. It really does help you achieve them when you write them down.

How are you enjoying aqua??

Briony said...

Wow, .... that's all I can say .... wow .....

Kenz said...

What a good idea... getting your goals out there and giving them a deadline really makes you want them. Now you've made me feel bad about the state of my wardrobe though.... haha

Twisted Cinderella said...

Congrats on finishing you Winter Challenge, your August challenges sound great!


Askazombiehousewife said...

Wow so many challenges :-)
Lots of luck

Margaret said...

Riding 20kms is still damn impressive but I think aiming for 50kms in a warmer period is a great challenge.

And whoo hooo for gauntlets. Just can't get enough of those thrown down LOL.

Suzy said...

YES! Very inspiring!!!

M@rla said...

Very ambitious! As always you'll kick ass!

I want to say good on you for the rope jumping too. I've been toying with it recently, trying a few jumps and feeling like a self-conscious fool (even inside my own house) but it's just such a good activity I want to give it a fair chance. Maybe we can egg each other on.

philippa_moore said...

Sue I am so in awe of your level of endurance and what you are able to do. It's incredible.

The Ironman showed me his log book last night and this special computer program which works out his heart rate per minute at a certain stage in the workout - and I remember thinking that a lot of what he was describing was very similar to what you do, and I was just blown away!

It's inspiring me to up the ante, I must say!

Hope you're well :)

Melli said...

WOW! Good job! No... GREAT job! And a great challenge for the month too! I would have a MUCH harder time accomplishing that domestic challenge than the weight/exercise challenge though! If you get all that done you deserve a REAL TREAT!!! ( i guess the real 'treat' though would be to HAVE all that done, huh? )