Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Slightly stuffed

Things I have learned today: I cannot run 5km at 7.30 at night. It is just too late. Especially on a day when I've got up before 5am, flown to Auckland and spent much of the time training a new staff member.

So I gave up after 5 minutes running and just walked for half an hour. Hard. Still worked up quite a sweat.

Haven't had a great day with eating - succumbed to a chocolate hit this afternoon. And a Burger Fuel burger tonight (threw away the top half of the bun, though). I'm not too worried about it - it's not like it's a daily lapse.

11 April summary
Breakfast: muesli, yoghurt and bran
Lunch: salmon, potato and egg salad
Dinner: burger with bacon and avocado
Snacks: juice blend from Tank, trim flat white, 60 grams bittersweet chocolate
Exercise: 30 minutes on the treadmill


Jules said...

I'm glad to see that you are so sensible. You have made it, you are a normal person existing in the normal sized world being able to behave normally under tired stressed conditions and have a burger but not over do it. You are my hero for the week.

Kate said...

Wow, I don't know how you got the energy to even think about a run - hehe. Even the thought of going for a walk or run next week makes me feel tired, lol.

Jules said...

I used to use Blogroll Sue but since I changed to new blogger couldn't figure how to put it in my blog. And I found that it had stopped showing me when people had updated for some reason. Thanks for the comment and i am feeling quite good about the slow but sure road to a lighter me.

Rachel said...

Good on you for even trying to go for a run at 7.30pm.....LOL

I have had Burger Fuel twice and it is devine and with all the work (eating and exercising) your doing, you deserve a little lapse now and then (ie chocolate).

Enjoy the rest of your week.

Chris H said...

Hope it tasted yummmmm, I had one the other night too (burger), first one this year and it was lovley!

Anne said...

You do have to know you've changed your lifestyle when you are running/walking at that time of night and then throwing away the top of the burger bun!

celtic_girl said...

Thanks for your encouraging words on my blog. said...

I'm amazed you would even consider running at 7:30pm when you've been up so early and flying to boot! Surely that counts among superhero tasks? Well done for walking rather than giving up and sitting on the couch!