Saturday, April 14, 2007

Yay for the weekend!

The last few days have been very hectic, so exercise has fallen by the wayside, but my eating has been fine. I'll be able to make up for much of the missed exercise over the weekend - starting with a nice long walk around the shops today; feel the need for some new winter clothes!

The house has been full of teenagers this week. Jake's not working anymore and quite a few of his friends are on varsity holidays, so there have been many marathon X-box sessions and some all-night cricket watching. The wheelie bin is full of beer bottles and pizza boxes!

It's not just Jake I'm going to miss - I'll miss having my house full of young people having a good time.

Last night we were firmly reminded that rugby is a winter game - it was about 8 degrees at the stadium. Good win by my beloved Canes though.

Escaped a Black Friday without any major incidents - and not being in Auckland I didn't have to follow the office tradition of black Sambuca shots!


Jules said...

My best mate headed overseas for ages and we still went round and saw her parents heaps because it was always the place we hung out. Make sure you let the "boys" know that Sue is going to need constant visits to keep her sane!!

Kathryn said...

Yeah, I was going to say to tell them they can still come over :)

Winter clothes rock. I tried on a coat yesterday but at $350 it was out of my budget by about $349... lol.

Chris H said...

Teenagers, beer bottles and pizza boxes, are you sure you havn't been in my house lately!!!! the two big boys in this house both work part time at Dominoes! We always have pizza boxes all over the garage! I bet you will miss that though... you must tell me what it's like! Just my luck I won't get to "miss" mine for bloody years yet.

Lyn said...

ohhh for retail therapy, so good for the wardrobe and so good for the exercise points!! :) Probably not so good for the wallet tho... heheh. Hope you had fun!

Lee-Anne said...

I love your new pic, been meaning to say that for ages.

The one thing I do enjoy is having all the kids around but you've made it a warm place to be and they will still be there.

While it will be strange not having Jake there you will be fine. It's not easy this mum business, they are not allowed to grow up so fast.

I'm thinking of you.

LBTEPA said...

Balck Sambucca shots? sounds dangerous...
well done keeping up the good eating with a house full of pizza!

Anne said...

Great to see the Canes win!

I'm sure those big kids will keep on visiting.

Helena said...

ooh we got given a bottle of black sambuca this weekend ... guess it will have to sit there brewing until after Sept. woohoo