Monday, June 13, 2011

Why am I doing the Up & Running online course?

I want to run 5km, just once in my life. Even if that’s the only time I do it, I want to know I can.

I want to feel strong and slim again.

I know how good regular exercise makes me feel. I want that feeling again. I need something to help me get back in the habit.

I want to be fit enough to do whatever I want. Climb a mountain (OK, a little one), kayak or ride for a couple of hours, go to a Zumba class or do a physically demanding job. Whatever it is, I don’t want to be held back by not being in shape.

I want to lose 20kg. The running course is part of the commitment I’m making to weight loss.

I want to be proud of how I look.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great Post! I too want to be able to do it, just so I know I can.