Friday, July 28, 2006

Funniest thing I've heard in years

To help me through my weight loss slump, lovely Margaret has suggested I try a new form of exercise. Great idea, love, but skipping?

In case I haven't mentioned this before - I have the co-ordination of a brick.

Truly. I am about as co-ordinated as Liberace's house.

You could sell tickets to watch me skip - a 'How not to skip' seminar.

On my kickboxing DVD, there's quite a bit of 'fake' skipping - you know, skipping without the rope. I suck at that, too.

Basically, I suck at any sport where you use an extension of your hands. Golf, pool, tennis, anything like that. Actually, I think I'm pretty good at pool after about 10 beers, but no-one else would agree with me.

Thank you all for your support from my last post. Lots of great thoughts and suggestions that I'll sift through and work into my plan.

By the way, Marg, the skipping idea made me laugh, but I loved the way you put the rest of it into perspective.


Kathryn said...

Omg, I'm so with you on that. When I do boxing classes, I always look like a nuff nuff when we have to skip. It does get easier with practice - I bought a rope and practiced at home so I didn't look so bad! And it gets the heart pumping.

I'm feeling a bit the same re exercise. I have no interest in the dancing/aerobic style classes, spin is getting boring and I can't run every day.

Hey, maybe you could take up rugby instead of watching? Do they have women's teams? I'd planned to play AFL this winter but damn illness intervened :(

Mary said...

LOL and M carries a skipping rope with her on our walks! Cath got excited last weekend and started skipping while we were waiting for a ferry. Talk about unco LOL. I'm just as bad ;-)

Margaret said...

I'd rather be unco than wet my pants every time I skip! But I am working on that problem too LOL..

(and it's not EVERY time ;D )

Suzy said...

Skipping sounds too much like hard work to me!

Briony said...

ha ha ha ha ha - I love your examples, especially the Liberace one!! You crack me up!

Helena said...

Hi Sue, havent stopped in for a while but read your recent "avoidance" entry. I hear ya sista, freakin annoying and there are no excuses eh? If you are anything like me you cringe everytime someone says ... "but you've done so well!" and yes we have, but we still arent where we wanna be eh? 6kgs ... *JUST 6kgs* ... do you realise that if you knuckle down and just f**kin get on with it you'll be at your goal by Labour weekend? OMG and then you'll still have 3 months until Christmas to start getting your gorgeous new summer wardrobe! I am envious already! LOL @ the skipping - whatever rocks ya boat eh?

The Candid Bandit said...

Rebeka over at Sick of Sucking It In lost most of her weight from skipping.

I got to ask this. Is your 'unco'ness a problem for you (e.g. people watching you?) or a problem that will interfere with you physically doing it?

If it feels wrong and weird, that's understandable but if it is just that you feel unco as people watch then Id say "Dont let them watch!" :-)

You are so bloody close.

Twisted Cinderella said...

Every time I try skipping I have to pee. It is terrible. I would be the first grown woman to wet herself during an exercise session! LOL that would be embarressing.